​Knickerbocker AA
"The Knick"
The new Membership Application has been added to the Bi-Laws / Member Info page, found under the More selection for downloading or printing.
The Knickerbocker Club kitchen is now under new management.
Joe Horan, owner of Mr. Jack's Catering, formerly located in Billerica Center, has assumed the running of our kitchen operations.
Thursday and Friday from 2PM to 8PM.
Specials offered daily.

Proposed By-Law Changes
Proposal 1
The first proposal is to increase Members annual dues from $15 to $25.
Initial membership fee will remain at $35 for a total of $60 for initial membership request.
$25 annually thereafter due before December 31st.
Proposal 2
​The second proposal is to stop lifetime membership for retirees, grandfather in the existing retired members. Propose that if a member has been a member for 15 plus consecutive years, in good standing and retired will then be granted a lifetime membership.​ An officer or board of directors who serve 4 consecutive terms will be granted lifetime membership.
Revised: on March 6th 2023 at Board meeting
Proposal 3
Officers and board of Directors will pay annual dues of $25 before December 31st 2023.
Proposal 4
Veterans-life time membership: if the member has been a member for 5 plus consecutive years and is in good standing once retired will be grated lifetime membership.
Members present for committee meeting; Fred Hamel, Kristen Ramsden, Ron Ducharme, James Small, Ed Solazzi, Tim Conlin, Deb Conway, Dave Camera.
We will discuss these proposals at the next body meeting on April 10, 2023 and vote on at next body meeting on June 12, 2023.
Revised on April 12, 2023 after body meeting on 4/10/23.
Meat Bingo

We play a very enjoyable game of "Meat Bingo" approximately once a month. Remember the phrase "Debbie sucks", you will need it.
Check the Events Calendar for next scheduled day/time.

We have a public 6' $1 money table as well as a 9' table reserved for members in the downstairs lounge.

We sponsor multiple teams from both the Patriot and Mill City Leagues. We also have multiple dart boards available for public use.

The Knick will be holding a Trivia night every 3rd Saturday of the month, starting on 9/17.